Multiple protections such as over-current, over-charge, over-temperature, over-voltage, short-circuit protection, and anti-combustion make it safer to use. Full-frequency FM wireless transmission technology, which can directly read audio files on Bluetooth mobile phones/U disks.
Compatible with Bluetooth, U disk (up to 32G) audio connection.
Support power-off memory playback function.
High-resolution, high-performance stereo, lossless music playback.
Bluetooth version 5.3 supports Bluetooth audio playback and Bluetooth hands-free calling.
22.5W Super fast charging, charging while listening to songs.
The voice navigation function supports 99% of map applications.
It is suitable for all cars, SUVs and trucks with a voltage of 12V-24V.
Out Power: 30W
Material Type: Plastic & ABS
Special Features: FM Transmitter,Bluetooth Car Kit,FM Modulator